Thursday, April 29, 2010

The best laid plans...

They don't always go as you intend. In my experience they seem to veer left when I'm going right. Take for example off-shore drilling. Bear with me while I make this COMPLETELY about me. I cannot believe for one second this happened TWO WEEKS before my scheduled vacation. Now I'm stressed thinking it's going to be a big mess down in Destin. Now on the opposite hand, this is such a sad loss for many families and I feel deeply sorry for them. These are the sort of things that should never happen and a family should never have to experience. I'm sure BP's best laid plan was to drill and move on. Now they have no clue when or how they are going to fix this. Their estimated time line could take MONTHS! How many other creatures have to suffer because of man's mistake. Right now, you have 20 families out there wondering where there loved one's bodies might be and then we have to deal with the ecological crisis on top of it. The article this morning mentioned 4 whales in the oil. At what point does the Coast Guard and BP come along and ask for help. Not that I'm a PETA activist by any measure, but surely it can't be safe to swim in oil. Poor that's my soapbox for the day. Moving on. Here's to a quick recovery.

In other news, I've decided to start a new project. I was visiting this website the other day and they had home accessories on sale. I love, love, love home accessories. I can't get enough. Currently I'm on a quest for the perfect floor lamp, I found one, but yet hubs can't justify spending $400 on a lamp. Can't say I blame him. Even though I did admit to him that one day I would like the means to be able to circle things in the Pottery Barn catalogue and have him surprise me with gifts. Like I said, I can't have enough home accessories. So back to the art project. They had this saying painted on a wooden board and it spoke to me and meant a lot to me. There are certain aspects I just identify with and this was one of them. It was 50% off and I misread it and thought it was $21. What a steal!! Until I realized there was an extra 1 in there. $211 for something stenciled on to wood. I don't think so. So then the lightbulb goes off in my head. I can make this! So this weekend we are heading out to Hobbylobby/Michaels/et al to find me some supplies. I'm pretty pumped. I mean anyone can stencil right? Plus my color scheme is going to be way cooler and it won't be on wood, but that would be too heavy to hang on the wall anyway.

Also, this weekend we have the practice climb for the upcoming American Lung Association stair climb. On Saturday I only have to do 16 flights of stairs. I use the term "only" loosely. I did however succesfully do 39 flights on the stair climber the other night but I think that's a bit different. My trainer keeps encouraging me telling me I can make it but I'm starting to get that self doubt. Somehow I'll go on and finish it all and then give myself one big pat on the back. This is the closest I'll ever come to participating in athletic races. I mean a marathon just sounds like hell to me. I don't even want to drive 26.2 miles, let alone run it. So we shall see how it goes.

Remaining time until vacation: 1 week until we are on our way!!

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