It began with a trip to the ER. Our family member couldn't breathe and was admitted to the hospital. What started out as a simple diagnosis became more a more complex. He was then moved to ICU with the hope of getting out soon. Almost three weeks to the day he went in, we will say good bye to our friend, father, grandfather, husband, and mentor. For my husband this comes as a huge loss because he was several things to him. It's taken an extreme toll on our family as we never expected this to happen. My MIL has been here twice. The first time she went home because nothing was happening. The second time she came back to horrible results.
Several nights were spent with family members visiting in the hospital, while I waited in the ICU waiting room. I didn't want to see him in that state. I want to cherish what memories we have not have them destroyed by what became of him. I've done that once before. It's horrible. There is no other way to describe it. But I remained hopeful. I stayed hopeful through all the talks and people not wanting to believe. I was going to believe for everyone. But alas, as much as you hope and pray for something, sometimes the answer is simply no.
Many nights my husband and I would toss and turn fearing the phone would ring. After two arduous weeks, the phone call came March 5 at 3:30 am. He had left us. No more silly stories about why firetrucks are red. No more golf buddy for my husband. No more crazy arguments to be had. It's all gone. We fought for him and he put up a good fight, but in the end sometimes you just aren't strong enough.
Now we learn to carry on. To find the strength to fill the hole. But in the darkness is always a light. And we will find it again.
But to our beloved family member, you were loved and you will be sorely missed. May you be at peace.