Happy New Year a couple of weeks late! New year, new home in the works! Wohoo! Over Christmas and New Years we finally listed our house and all we need now is a buyer. Anyone in the market for a slightly used house? :) Things in our neighborhood generally sell well so I'm not too worried about it but it would be nice to have it finished and focus on our new house. A week or so before Christmas we met with our build
er to go over which trees we might be able to keep. We back up to a greenbelt which is awesome so we'll always have some greenery around us. Once all of that was decided they cleared the lot and then end result was this:

Not much to look at now, but in 6 months our beautiful new house will sit on that lot. This week we met with our builder again to go over some design items on the inside. At the end of this meeting, he informed us we really needed to pick a brick! Apparently our house will be framed in about 4 weeks. Crazy! So this weekend the hubs and I are scrambling over to Acme to find the perfect brick for our house. Only one problem....we have no clue what we want. Well I have some ideas but the hubs doesn't necessarily agree with my choices. I'm sure we'll come to a happy medium though. So, what's the rush on brick if he doesn't need it for another 4 weeks? Well, here's the kicker. They don't just have tons and tons of bricks on hand...you would think otherwise if you drove to the back of the building. Apparently, they have to be shipped in. Depending on the brick we choose, it will either take 2 weeks to come in or can take up to a month. I guess better early than late.
As for Christmas and New Years, everything went splendidly...minus the whole bugs in the tree situation. Apparently, we picked the one tree on the lot that was infested with tiny bugs. This led to them dying and falling on to the tree skirt and presents. The tree was also extremely sappy and dripped on the skirt and presents. Next year, new skirt? Yes please! I have a few I would like but they come from Pottery Barn and are around $100. I think I'll stick with Garden Ridge. New Years was awesome! The older and wiser we get, the more we realize we really don't want to be out with a bunch of drunks. So we had a "party" at our house. I use the term loosely since it was 2 other couples and us. But hey, we had a good time and even made it to midnight. This is a BFD in our household since most of the time we're zonked out by 930!
Now is just a waiting game. Waiting to see if our house sells, waiting to see where we'll move if it does, and waiting for the house to be finished. Realistically, it can be finished in about 3 months. Are we ready for that? Not too sure. But I know I'm definitly looking forward in 2011! It's going to be a great year!